Forty years after matriarch Sylvia was dubbed “The Mother of Hip Hop” for bringing rap into the mainstream, the next generation of Robinsons are working at the label and looking to make their own stamp on history in different ways. These voracious children, siblings, and cousins will search for the next big thing in music, help their artists develop a unique sound, and brainstorm ways to bring the label back into the public eye, all while trying to make the mark that will give them the keys to the kingdom. While some of the younger family members strive to live up to their legendary name, others are busy enjoying the perks that it brings. In an industry as cutthroat and competitive as music, Sugarhill Records is at a crossroads with millions of dollars and its legacy on the line. The Robinsons will discover just how far they are willing to go in order to stay one step ahead of other labels…and one another.


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